Meet the Blaze DreamTeam 2023

We at A Mighty Blaze are 100% volunteer, 100% creatives, who are honored and proud to help writers reach readers online. As writers, musicians, and artists, we know how much time, effort, and love go into our creative projects. As readers, we know how magical it is to enter literary worlds. That’s why we’re so dedicated to making sure writers’ new books reach the widest audience possible. Thank you for visiting and adding your firepower to the Blaze!  

Click on photos below for biography, credits and personal websites.

Jenna Blum

Caroline Leavitt

Mark Cecil
Head of Strategy, Host of
The Thoughtful Bro

Laura Rossi
Director of Publicity

Rachel Barenbaum
Debut Editor & Producer and Host of Debut Spotlight

Kimberly Hensle Lowrance
Producer & Co-Host of Authors Love Bookstores

Joseph Moldover
Producer & Co-Host of Authors Love Bookstores

Gabriella “Gabbi” Cisneros
Video Editor

Kirsten Liston
Product & Business Strategy

Jenna Paone
Producer & Host of The Lit Chick

Trisha Blanchet
Producer, Host of Blaze Podcast

Rachel Levy Lesser
VP of Business and Marketing, Host of Blaze Baking with Rach

Margaret Pinard
Blaze Event Tech Host, Producer, Festival Coordinator, Social Engagement Associate

Karen Bellovich
Newsletter Director, Producer

Allison Adair
Host of Poets in Conversation

Mary Webber O’Malley
Director of Scheduling; Producer

Amanda Smiley
Social Media Producer

Sibylla Nash Liaison

Julie Gerstenblatt

Alexandra Hoopes
TikTok Producer, Social Media Consultant

Maxwell Gregory
Social Media Producer

Ellen Comisar
Twitter Producer

Ollie Martin
Friday Frontliner Producer

Meet our blazing website and art department team

Jim Reed
Website Designer, Producer

Whitney Scharer
Graphics Producer-Designer

Tom Champoux
Additional Website Graphics, Former Head of Technology